Saturday, May 12, 2007

The Great Return

After two month of silent,

After two month of deep thinking,

After two month of long waiting,

Finally, the Great BJ is come back with more bijirin, more bijirin and more bijirin…

A lot of thing happened in this two month. Misunderstood, conflict, argument, etc. but it’s past now. Everything is back to normal. Everything is look like the last time.

But that’s only for me…

For the others, everything changed. Felt disappointed to see that. Why most of the people around me changed? Don’t they know that that’s a bad habit? Don’t they know that that’s will losing their health? I cant’ say too much to them as I’m nothing to them except only a friend. If I say too much, maybe I will become like an old man who like to babble…

Soon, I will start my advance diploma.

Soon, I can online more often like last time.

Soon, I can update my blog more often like last time.

Soon, I can meet those friend again in advance diploma or maybe convocation.

Just want to say that friends, I miss you all so much. Hope to see you all soon.

Lastly, don’t forget to get say: PEACE!!!



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